Many people think university life is easier than high school or college, but who can deny the sleepless nights, late-night coffee to stay awake, and the struggle to stay focused …
Naveera Taj
Naveera Taj
I belong to Charun Ovir Chitral. I have done my matriculation and FSc from Aga Khan Higher secondary school Kuragh and currently I'm pursuing my BS degree in philosophy, politics and economics from Aga Khan University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Karachi. I love the way words are used to describe our feelings and convey message. a best writer for me is someone whose writing feel like your are talking to each other. I wanted to inculcate that art of writing which I have experience through the work of novel, newspaper and research articles.I aspire to see myself being a good writer.
Seems like many of us are at home to cherish the most soothing time of the year when days stretch long and possibilities are endless. Whether you are a student …