Many people think university life is easier than high school or college, but who can deny the sleepless nights, late-night coffee to stay awake, and the struggle to stay focused in class? In such a hectic environment, how would you respond to a phone notification that says: “HELLO JOHN! HOW’S LIFE GOING?” Someone wants to know about my life. Fine, I’ll reply when I have time. Nothing urgent, nothing catchy in the first message, and no introduction from an unknown number. I’ll likely ignore it until I find a moment of relaxation.
Here are some tips to effectively get the attention of university students and convey your message:
- Start with a Proper Introduction and State Your Purpose Briefly Today’s generation prefers things to be easily accessible. University students will appreciate hearing from a professional who respects their privacy and values their time.
- Use a Formal Tone If you approach me asking for unnecessary details, I, as a university student, might not appreciate your approach and may ignore or block you on social media. However, a formal and precise tone will make your message worth considering and will prompt me to respond.
- Maintain Professionalism and Keep a Respectful Distance Even when talking to a university student who is a friend, try to keep the conversation short and to the point. Showing too much familiarity can be off-putting to a busy student and might lead to them ignoring or rejecting your message.
To sum up, assuming university students have ample free time to engage in social work or assist others with detailed university life information can be a mistake. Valuing their time and preferences while also ensuring your message gets across can be a balanced approach.
I would love to hear about any experiences where you felt ignored by a university student. Along with your narration, feel free to share any insights you gained after reading this piece.